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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: pollution pathway version for measure effectivnesses, [M_B40] chemical filtering of recirculated air, indoor generated pollutants RM_B40=Cbox intern after recirculation/Csto intern [P_B40] transport by convection of internal pollutants [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern, [S_60] addition of pollutant in object pH1 [P_A70] chain scission caused by acid hydrolysis Zou equation [S_70] The number of objects with folding number below critical folding number increases = embrittlement pH2, [M_70] Instructions on handling [P_80] use [S_A80] the number of objects which are fragmented increases, [S_A10] high concentrations at storage HVAC inlets Cinlet [P_A30] transport by streams of air [S_30] pollution in storage zone, before recirculation Csto Csto= Csto outdoor + C sto indoor, [M_A30] chemical filtering of incoming air RM_A30=Cafter outdoor/Cbefore outdoor [P_A30] transport by streams of air [S_30] pollution in storage zone, before recirculation Csto Csto= Csto outdoor + C sto indoor, [M_51] box material and scavanger [P_B50] transport by diffusion and convection of internal pollutants [S_50] pollution at object Cobj Cobj=Cobj out + Cobj finish +Cobj intern, [M_D40] compartmentation of emittive objects RM_D40=Csto intern/Cbox intern [P_D40] transport by convection of internal pollutants to the storage zone [S_30] pollution in storage zone, before recirculation Csto Csto= Csto outdoor + C sto indoor, [M_72] repair, rebinding, restoration [P_80] use [S_A80] the number of objects which are fragmented increases, [M_A40] chemical filtering of recirculated air, outdoor generate pollutants RM_A40=Cafter outdoor/Cbefore outdoor RM_A40=Cafter indoor/Cbefore indoor [P_A40] transport by convection of external pollutant [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern, [S_50] pollution at object Cobj Cobj=Cobj out + Cobj finish +Cobj intern [P_D50] transport by diffusion and convection of internal pollutants to outside of the box [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern, [S_30] pollution in storage zone, before recirculation Csto Csto= Csto outdoor + C sto indoor [P_B40] transport by convection of internal pollutants [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern, [M_60] deacidification RM_60=pH2/pH1 [P_A70] chain scission caused by acid hydrolysis Zou equation [S_70] The number of objects with folding number below critical folding number increases = embrittlement pH2, [S_A80] the number of objects which are fragmented increases [P_A90] loss of information Cumulated Loss of Value due to loss of information and loss of esthetic value, [M_50] box implementation and design (ventilation rate) [P_D50] transport by diffusion and convection of internal pollutants to outside of the box [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern, [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern [P_A50] transport by diffusion and convection of external pollutants [S_50] pollution at object Cobj Cobj=Cobj out + Cobj finish +Cobj intern, [M_10] positioning of building / inlet with respect to traffic RM_10=Cinlet/Cext [P_10] transport by wind to building shell to air inlet and openings [S_A10] high concentrations at storage HVAC inlets Cinlet, [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern [P_B50] transport by diffusion and convection of internal pollutants [S_50] pollution at object Cobj Cobj=Cobj out + Cobj finish +Cobj intern, [M_51] box material and scavanger [P_D50] transport by diffusion and convection of internal pollutants to outside of the box [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern, [M_50] box implementation and design (ventilation rate) [P_B50] transport by diffusion and convection of internal pollutants [S_50] pollution at object Cobj Cobj=Cobj out + Cobj finish +Cobj intern, [S_40] pollution just outside the boxes Cbox Cbox= Cbox out+ Cbox finish + Cbox intern [P_D40] transport by convection of internal pollutants to the storage zone [S_30] pollution in storage zone, before recirculation Csto Csto= Csto outdoor + C sto indoor